Most of you know that I am moving out of my apartment. I was planning on staying in the burg, but after repping for a bit now I've realized how much easier it is to travel up north... so many shops in such a small area! Thus I am doing the unthinkable and moving back in with my parents. It'll be fun though, because my sister is also living at home to finish up her degree. The family is reunited.
I remember vividly the night before leaving for my freshman year of college and thinking, "This is it, the last night of what I've known for 18 years." And here I am back again, never say never. When we were planning the move my dad was adamant the I claim the guest bedroom as my office. I said, "No, no I need a craft room... to house yarn etc." Then I realized why are we arguing? They are the same thing to me and that was a cool realization. How many people get to claim that they need a room soley for yarn and crafts that is therefore the office, because they are lucky enough to have such a fun job.
In other news, I've jumped back on the dating train... part of the reason for my lack of blogging...